Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Globalization of Oktoberfest

There is no doubt that the festival Oktoberfest has experienced Globalization, being celebrated all around the world. The original purpose of Oktoberfest was to celebrate the wedding of a Bavarian princess about 2 centuries ago. More information about the festival may be found at the official website or at wikipedia.

From 12th to 15th October 2006, Erdinger held an Oktoberfest celebration at China Square Central. Many things about it had nothing to do with Oktoberfest at all, such as the date of the festival, the size of the mugs and the type of music played.

The differences are many, but the point I'm trying to make here is that the product (ie. the festival) as well as the meaning behind ithas been globalized . However, the purpose of the festival is just another one among many to have fun and get drunk. Thus, what we see here is the globalization of the purpose to be merry as manifested in Oktoberfest. The social response to this? I guess the people embrace it.

- Wilson Liong

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